Moving forward into 2021, our current Halton Region approach is to identify ways to apply Community Benefits Agreements to a wider range of initiatives in a strategic effort to create a pool of smaller, scalable projects. Continuing to act as the ‘catalyst for change” our goal is to promote opportunity by aggregating and creating a data base of the anticipated Halton projects and match that to a data base of relevant community populations who can benefit from meaningful employment.
Halton Community Benefits Network will facilitate this by promoting ways to match job needs on a project-by-project basis with other community resources, and partner with project originators and contractors to eliminate barriers to employment.
Building on successful outcomes of smaller Community Benefits Agreements, as new regional infrastructure projects emerge, we will advocate for future benefits of broader economic and social good as has been demonstrated in other communities – such as post-construction employment opportunities, cultivation of social enterprises that supplement local economic inclusion and improvement to other resultant community needs like public transit.