Halton Community Benefits Network

Concept Value

A Diverse and Shared Value for Halton Region.

In Canada and globally, other economic regions have successfully adopted Community Benefits Agreements (CBA’s), which have demonstrated the potential to make tax dollars work better. At the same time, CBA’s have created opportunities, leading to new or better jobs, apprenticeships, retraining for skills in demand and growth for local businesses – and ultimately, to help reduce poverty.

Fostering a wide understanding and adoption of Community Benefits Agreements has been a five-year journey for the Halton Community Benefits Network (HCBN), but we have had the advantage of learning from others. Our education and advocacy initiatives will add value – sustaining cost efficiency while addressing the emerging needs of the Halton Region.

Building on successful outcomes of smaller Community Benefits Agreements, as new regional infrastructure projects emerge, we will advocate for future benefits of broader economic and social good as has been demonstrated in other communities – such as:

  • post-construction employment opportunities
  • cultivation of social enterprises that supplement local economic inclusion, and
  • improvement to other resultant community needs like public transit.
Scott GallagherConcept Value